The annual CIS Ticket Fundraiser has begun! Tickets are $20 each. All proceeds goes to fulfill the CIS mission of providing various programs and services to the citizens of Rome and Floyd County.
Each ticket you purchase enters you for a chance to win:
Grand Prize: $1,000
2nd prize: $500
3rd Prize: $500
The ticket drawing will be held on Saturday, June 6, 2025 at 12:00pm.
We appreciate all who support us! This fundraiser is key when it comes to fueling our many programs and our mission to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.
For tickets and more information, call 706-802-5740 or email Or you may also contact any member of our amazing Board of Directors! The CIS Board is comprised of concerned, engaged individuals who care about our youth and the Rome-Floyd community. If you know one of the following individuals, you may purchase your tickets for the CIS 2025 Ticket Fundraiser from them.
Communities in Schools Rome-Floyd County's restaurant fundraiser events are a social event where we set aside a particular day and the restaurant donates back a set percentage of sales to our cause.
These events are also known as dine-to-donate, profit shares, fundraising nights, restaurantgive-back nights, or spirit nights.